Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2

Alice, hanging out behind me on the couch.

January 1

Peter tries on his hat. It makes me think of his Papa C!

A year in the life!

While I'm getting a bit of a late start (by one day), this will be a blog chronicling our family's year. Who knows? It may turn into a picture a day until the end of time...

Some posts may have stories behind them. Others may just be a picture. This is a challenge to myself, to keep up with the little things, since that's what memories are made of. I'm sure Peter will play a starring role, but there are so many different things that are important to me, and I want to remember every single one!

For right now, the blog is pretty basic. I'm sure I'll be playing with it as I go. But for now, I end with a family picture. It was taken a few weeks ago. I'm definitely blessed!